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May Life treat you
Rick Ford
And may life treat you the way you treated me
May the thorns in your pathway be jagged and sharp,
Like the words that you flung across the room
May they cut you and hurt you, and slash you and burn
And leave you with an empty gaping wound
May the bed that you lie on bring you no rest
May the night time bring you no peace
May the darkness enfold you, and make you sweat and scream
So you'd know what it feels like being me
And may life treat you the way you treated me
May your path be strewn with boulders, as hard as your heart
May they crush you the way that you crushed me
May your road be dark and twisted, like the patterns of your mind
And may your memories never set you free
May your friends turn against you the way you turned on me
When you cursed at me and caused my blood to freeze
May the hurt that they cause you when they turn their backs and sneer
Be no worse than the hurt that you caused me
And may life treat you the way you treated me
May you never feel the warmth of a summer sun
May you never taste the sweetness of the rain
May the sight of children playing make you cry and hurt inside
And may the sound of their laughter cause you pain
May the stars lose their sparkle, and the moon its silver light
And may Autumn lose its coat of burnished gold
May the winds that blow against you, on a long dark winter's night
Never be colder than your soul
And may life treat you the way you treated me
May you never hear a lover's sigh or smell the fragrance of the dawn,
May your enemies be no more cruel than you
May your search be long and lonely as you wander on your way
And may you never find a shadow of the truth
May the past be turned against you and the future hold no hope
And the days that you live in turn to hell
May you spirit ache with sadness and your heat be numb with grief
So you'd feel the way I feel as well
And may life treat you the way you treated me
But now the darkness of those memories has faded like the mist
And anger has melted like the snow
And as I lie here with my love and the day dawns bright and clear
I understand why you had to go
And I hope that life treats you, the way life's treated me
Yes may life treat you the way life's treated me
Americana Music, Rick Ford, Songwriter, Smoke and Mirrors, Americana style, Staffordshire, UK. Website, Web Design, Layout, Photos and Artwork Copyright © Rick Ford 2007. All rights reserved